• https://t.me/+qIkl6VOqKIRkNjc0

    “You want a smoke?” the soldier asked while lighting up a cigar, puffing it to a start. “We’re going to be here for a few hours. We might as well enjoy ourselves.” I declined the cigar, but not his cock.

    It was my first big assignment for a major news outlet. I was imbedded with a military unit on an intervention mission in the Middle East. My instructions were to interview soldiers and to write about their daily lives in a war zone. On my second day there, I accompanied the unit on a supply mission. A blockade in the supply route was identified a mile ahead, and one soldier and I were left behind in a cargo vehicle while the others moved ahead to secure our route.

    The soldier keeping me company was hot as fuck. He had the typical look of a military man with the buzz cut, the fatigues, and a tattoo on his forearm. He was muscular and exuded that cocky masculinity that is typical of young soldiers. I wanted him in the worst way. In the real world, this guy would never look my way. But thrown together in a cargo vehicle halfway across the world, he had no choice but to talk with the faggot reporter sitting with him.

    “It can get boring on these supply missions,” he confessed as we stared out of the vehicle. “That’s why I always have a few of these with me,” he said while pulling a cigar from the shoulder sack he had with him. “Helps to pass the time.” He then pulled out another cigar and asked, “You want a smoke?” while offering it to me.

    “No, thanks,” I politely declined. “I’m not much for cigars. But you go ahead.” I had to stop myself from saying that I’d much rather smoke his cock.

    “I wasn’t much for them either until I joined the service,” the soldier shared while lighting the cigar and puffing it to a start. A cloud of gray smoke encircled him. He looked hot as fuck with the cigar in his mouth, masculine in a way I could never pull off. I could feel my cock getting hard. He was quiet as he enjoyed his smoke but, as a journalist, I needed him to talk.

    “What do you miss the most from home?” I asked him. I often open this way in interviews. It’s an easy way to get a shy soldier to talk about himself. I usually get answers like: “I miss my mom’s meatloaf,” or “I miss going to football games.” Typical stuff.

    So I was a bit surprised when this soldier, after taking a long drag on his cigar, replied, “I miss pussy.”

    I gave a quick, uncomfortable laugh, assuming he was just trying to be funny.

    “No, I’m serious, bro,” the soldier continued. “I haven’t gotten my cock wet in months. Not getting laid … well, it fucks with your mind. I think about pussy nonstop.”

    I nodded my head in sympathy, not wanting to divulge my love for cock just yet.

    “You must know what it’s like,” he tried to equate, flicking some ash over the side of the vehicle. “You’re far from home, too. When’s the last you got your dick in some snatch?”

    I hesitated, but decided to be honest. “I don’t fuck pussy,” I said quietly. “I’m gay.”

    The soldier was undeterred. “Okay. Ass then. When’s the last you fucked some ass?” he wanted to know.

    I couldn’t believe the conversation had taken this turn, but I wasn’t about to back away from it. “I’m a bottom,” I shared. “Guys fuck my ass.”

    The soldier’s eyes grew wide. I could almost see his wheels turning, and I wasn’t going to miss my chance.

    “You wanna fuck my ass, soldier?” I offered, locking eyes with him.

    “I’m not gay, bro. I don’t fuck guys,” he spat while pulling the cigar from his mouth. “Look, I know that shit happens in the military. I hear the rumors. But that’s not for me.” He stood up abruptly and looked out of the cargo vehicle once more. And that’s when I noticed he was hard.

    “Dude, you don’t have to be gay to fuck a guy,” I countered. “Do you know how many straight guys I’ve had? Well, shit. I bent over for two other soldiers in your platoon just last night.” I was bluffing.

    “I don’t want to hear that shit,” the soldier barked. “It’s not my business.” And yet he was still hard.

    “Man, they loved fucking my tight hole,” I fibbed, taunting him. “They said I’ve got the best cunt they’ve ever had.” I was laying it on thick when, suddenly, the soldier pushed me face down on the floor of the cargo vehicle.

    “Shut the fuck up, faggot,” he ordered as he put down his cigar. I thought he was about to beat me, but he was soon yanking down my pants. I could hear him undoing his belt as he pinned me down with one, strong arm.

    “You want this cock, faggot?” he demanded. “Well you’re gonna fuckin’ get it.”

    He spit on my hole and suddenly I was ripped in two. Holy fuck, he was thick. With one quick thrust, he was balls deep inside me. I’ve had enough cock to know he was easily over eight inches.

    “You like this cock, faggot?” he asked while rapidly pummeling my hole.

    I nodded quickly in assent while trying to catch my breath. Jesus, his cock felt good.

    “I can’t hear you,” he barked. “I said … do you like this big fucking cock?”

    I turned my head toward him and cried out, “Yes. Fucking give it to me. Breed this fucking hole.”

    “That’s it, faggot,” he growled as he moved his strong hands to the small of my back while beginning to jackhammer my hole. “You want this load?” he demanded. “Because you’re about to get it.”

    Instantly, I could feel his big cock pulsing and spurting inside me. “Aww, SHIT … DAMN,” he cried out as he collapsed upon me. His massive load spilled from my gaping hole as he pulled out of me, and I could feel him cleaning off his cock on the back of my pants. Fucker.

    The soldier’s radio suddenly sputtered, and he engaged in coded communication that had no meaning to me. His camo pants were down around his ankles and his cock was still hard as he spoke with the soldier on the other end of the radio. Finally, he clicked off the device.

    “They’ve secured the supply route,” he reported, “but it’s gonna be another hour before they return.”

    The soldier then picked up his cigar and took a long drag as I stood and pulled up my pants over my used ass.

    “What the fuck are you doing?” he demanded incredulously. “Didn’t you hear me? We’ve got another hour, and I’ve got at least two more loads in these balls. So pull those pants back down again, faggot.”

    #gay #sex #fun #fyp
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  • “Your boner is sticking out,” I told my brother.

    “And? It’s morning, I’m hard,” he replied. “Why you looking?”

    “I don’t know,” I shrugged.

    “You wanna see it?” He asked.

    I didn’t answer. I couldn’t control it and my dick went stiff like it always does. He smirked when he saw me cover it. He fished his out through the front of his boxers and started moving it around with his fingers. It looked so nice, better than seeing them in porn.

    “It feels nice getting off before work,” he said and kept playing with himself. “You can get yours out too. It’s just us guys, no big deal.”

    I swallowed hard and pulled my shorts down and let mine free. He was watching and examined it like I had been doing to him.

    “Nice, looks good,” he said as he wrapped his hand around himself and started jacking off slowly. “Come closer, we can do it together.”

    I stepped up to the side of his bed and we watched each other as we did it. He pulled his boxers down completely and he pulled on my shorts so I would be more naked to. Looking down I watched as his balls bounced as he did it. It was hypnotizing as I watched. They looked heavy and I was so attracted to the site of him.

    “You wanna feel?” He asked, breaking me from my spell.

    “Oh,” I responded, not knowing I could say yes.

    “It’s okay, I don’t mind,” he told me and let go.

    I reached down and took hold of him, it was super warm and throbbed when I gripped it. My dick went crazy hard and a drop of pre appeared at the end of me. I began to stroke and get off my brother and he signed.

    “Fuck, that’s good,” he encouraged what I was doing. “Can I?” He asked and reached for me.

    “Yeah,” I told him right before he had already grabbed mine.

    I felt different with having him do it to me. I didn’t know the speed or the grip he’d apply. Not to mention the fact that my brother who I looked up to was making me feel really good and was letting me do the same to him.

    “This is awesome,” I told him as I enjoyed myself.

    “Not bad at all,” he said as he jacked me. “A mouth would be better,” he added and looked up at me.

    I couldn’t believe it as he leaned closer and then put his lips on my dick. He sucked the tip, right where I was leaking and then began to work down. I almost fell over on him as the pleasure washed over me. I held on to his shoulder to stay standing. I felt my brother’s warm mouth sucking and getting me wet. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer and went all the way down. I felt my dick hit the back of his throat and I lost it.

    “Oh shit!” I yelled out, it was too late to warn him.

    He didn’t miss a beat, he kept going and sucked my load down. It felt amazing, like nothing I had felt before, he wasn’t mad either which was awesome. He massaged my balls and sucked on me until I was done and then pulled away.

    “Wow, that was unexpected,” he chuckled. “Swallowing my brother’s load was definitely not something I thought I was going to do today.”

    “I’m sorry!” I apologized.

    “Naw, don’t be. It tasted great,” he told me jacked himself fast as he licked his lips. “I’m going to cum,” he said and I went down to my knees.

    Before I could get his dick in my mouth it shot out and hit me across my face. I quickly opened and closed on him before the next one.

    “Oh fuck!” My brother moaned as he watched me suck him and he came.

    It was warm and salty and I swallowed as it came. I grabbed his nuts and massaged them like he had done for me. I was super excited and kept sucking until he was done and then didn’t stop. I never thought having a dick in my mouth would feel so good. I did want it to be over but he patted me on my back and I knew I should get off.

    “That was great,” he told me.

    “I really liked that,” I agreed.

    “Well I’m sure I’ll be hard again tomorrow morning if you wanna do it again,” he told me as he looked at my face.

    His first shot was dripping down my face and it made him chuckle.

    “You got some on your face,” he said and scooped it off and fed it to me.

    #gay #porn #daddy #sex #fyp Chase Denver @chasedenver93
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  • Queue
    March 11, 2024

    Priced at $3.00

    My heart races as I lay exposed in front of Daddy, right before he claims me. The anticipation builds - of being bred and fucked mercilessly by him. The power he has over me as he grabs and spreads my legs apart excites me. I’m helpless to stop the deep rutting he has in store for me. My hole quivers knowing what’s coming next. He presses the head of his cock to my hole. He enters me swiftly and inches his way inside. Further and further, unrelenting until his shaft is completely buried. He holds it there for a moment as my insides stretch to accommodate his girth.

    “You like the feeling of having a real man inside you, don’t you?” he says

    “Yes, Sir!”

    “You exist for this. Being my plaything, my fucktoy.” he pants as he begins thrusting.

    He feels so good. His cock plunders the deepest parts of me as my toes curl in pleasure. I look up at him. His expression is stern - a powerful man taking what’s his. I exist to serve him. His authority over me is overwhelming. His iron-tight grip on my ankles keeps me open as his assault of thrusts continues. The more he dominates me the more I desire to submit to him.

    He slams his cock as he pulls me onto it and blows his load inside me.

    I thank him obediently and prepare for the next round.

    #gay #sex #fyp #2024 #bdsm
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  • Mom and Dad had no clue what we had been doing on the other side of the house. We had shared a bathroom all our lives and it kind of just started happening. It connected our rooms together, we never closed the doors on either side at some point. First it was just walking around naked, no modesty. And then touching, brushes here and there, then groping and cupping.

    "Can I suck you off?" My brother asked between our kissing.

    "Do we have time?" I asked holding his ass in my hand.

    "We can make time," he replied and sank down in front of me.

    I remember the first time I kissed him. He didn't even seem bothered, like he expected it, I think we both did. We spent all morning making out that first time. It didn't feel wrong, he was my little brother. I loved him and he loved me.

    Pretty soon every morning I was greeted by a tender kiss from him. It didn't take him long to realize how turned on I was by him, always sporting wood anytime he was near.

    "God, I love you cock," my brother said as he took it in his mouth.

    "I love you," I smirked.

    "Well yeah. That too," he said, slapping it on his cheek before sucking it again.

    He started coming into my room at night and snuggling with me. Jerking me off nearly every night before finally putting it in his mouth. From then on he swallowed me every time, told me he liked having a part of me with him.

    I loved to shower him with affection. I always wanted to make sure he knew how important he was to me. After a year of bonding with him, he finally told me he wanted to go farther. That he needed to know what it was like to be one with me. Of course I have thought about it but I didn't consider myself into guys, just him. I knew we both needed it, to at least try.

    "We got five minutes, unless you want to save it for tonight?" I asked my brother as he bobbed up and down my cock.

    "No, I want it now. I have a big test today and I want to know I have you in me," he replied and started to suck hard and faster.

    I bought us condoms and lube. He came into my room ready to consummate what we had. When I started opening the condom he told me he didn't want it. That he needed to feel just me, nothing between us. He pushed me back on the bed and straddled me. I felt his hand reach behind him and he lined me up. I never thought I'd be inside a guy before, let alone my little brother.

    I felt him push down, his face showed that it wasn't easy, but he persisted. I was his first and it felt right. After a few moments he was sitting on my lap, his cock throbbing just like mine which was buried inside of him. Nothing had felt better than this. He rode me for a while and then I came inside of him. He kissed me as I did, told me that he was mine, and I was his.

    "I'm going to cum," I told him as he worked my cock in his mouth. "Oh god, you're amazing," I moaned.

    I felt my cock released inside of his mouth. I thought about the first time we made love, and how much he meant to me and how much I'd do for him. He massaged my balls with his hand as he drained my morning load. Nothing had ever felt like he made me feel. No girl compared.

    "I love you," he said looking up at me, face red from the work he had done.

    "I love you too, baby," I said and pulled him up for a kiss.

    #bro #gay #porn #fuck #fyp
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  • Queue
    March 11, 2024

    Priced at $3.00

    My heart races as I lay exposed in front of Daddy, right before he claims me. The anticipation builds - of being bred and fucked mercilessly by him. The power he has over me as he grabs and spreads my legs apart excites me. I’m helpless to stop the deep rutting he has in store for me. My hole quivers knowing what’s coming next. He presses the head of his cock to my hole. He enters me swiftly and inches his way inside. Further and further, unrelenting until his shaft is completely buried. He holds it there for a moment as my insides stretch to accommodate his girth.

    “You like the feeling of having a real man inside you, don’t you?” he says

    “Yes, Sir!”

    “You exist for this. Being my plaything, my fucktoy.” he pants as he begins thrusting.

    He feels so good. His cock plunders the deepest parts of me as my toes curl in pleasure. I look up at him. His expression is stern - a powerful man taking what’s his. I exist to serve him. His authority over me is overwhelming. His iron-tight grip on my ankles keeps me open as his assault of thrusts continues. The more he dominates me the more I desire to submit to him.

    He slams his cock as he pulls me onto it and blows his load inside me.

    I thank him obediently and prepare for the next round.

    #gay #sex #fyp #2024 #bdsm
    0 Views 0 Likes 0 Tips 0 Comments 0 Shares
  • Queue
    March 11, 2024

    Priced at $3.00

    My heart races as I lay exposed in front of Daddy, right before he claims me. The anticipation builds - of being bred and fucked mercilessly by him. The power he has over me as he grabs and spreads my legs apart excites me. I’m helpless to stop the deep rutting he has in store for me. My hole quivers knowing what’s coming next. He presses the head of his cock to my hole. He enters me swiftly and inches his way inside. Further and further, unrelenting until his shaft is completely buried. He holds it there for a moment as my insides stretch to accommodate his girth.

    “You like the feeling of having a real man inside you, don’t you?” he says

    “Yes, Sir!”

    “You exist for this. Being my plaything, my fucktoy.” he pants as he begins thrusting.

    He feels so good. His cock plunders the deepest parts of me as my toes curl in pleasure. I look up at him. His expression is stern - a powerful man taking what’s his. I exist to serve him. His authority over me is overwhelming. His iron-tight grip on my ankles keeps me open as his assault of thrusts continues. The more he dominates me the more I desire to submit to him.

    He slams his cock as he pulls me onto it and blows his load inside me.

    I thank him obediently and prepare for the next round.

    #daddy #sex #fyp #2024 #bdsm
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  • My man’s favorite toy is my pussy and I let him play with it if that gives him joy and happiness.

    I like your style of negotiation kid. I think we’ll keep discussing this deal once you’ve swallowed my load and we get you out of this cheap off the rack suit. Then I’m going to see if your ass is as good as your mouth. Now get me cleaned up and then we’ll start ripping away that cheap suit.

    Just bite down on your tie and be quiet. We’re going to break you in on how to seal a deal with a client who needs a little more incentive to close the deal. You’ll need a new suit when we’re done with you.

    #cum # pleasure #bussy #manwhore #fyp #incest
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  • It was wild seeing my little brother put his lips on me like that. We had already taken this too far so I just went with it. I put my hand on the back of his head and felt him go up and down on me as I watched, shocked and totally turned on.

    "Look at me," I told him. I wanted to see his eyes. "Fuck, you like that, huh?"

    "Mhmm," he said and moved his mouth up and down my hard shaft.

    "Dad's going to be pissed we have a cocksucker in the family, but don't worry, I'm on your side now," I said.

    He pulled off my dick to talk to me. "No, he won't, I suck him all the time," he said with a smile.

    "What the fuck?" I chuckled, "Dad?"

    He already had my dick back in his mouth so he nodded yes.

    "Shit, with all the dates he goes on, I would have never guessed. Well this is going to make weekends at his house awkward," I laughed and guided him down farther on me.

    My little bro bobbed up and down on my cock, expertly taking care of me, like he knew exactly how I liked it. I wonder if Dad had taught him the way he liked it and he was just doing the same to me. I wonder what other things him and Dad gotten up to with his nineteen year old ass. But that could wait, for right now I needed a concert on the fact that he was making me feel good and I was getting closer with every minute he continued to suck me.

    This wasn't the first blowjob I had from a dude, so it wasn't surprising that he was good at it. I find that guys are better at blowjobs than girls. I slowly moved my hips upward into my brother's mouth. Hearing him gag on my cock only made my dick harder and leak more. Seeing him obsessed over his big brother's cock was amazing, something I never thought I'd enjoy so much.

    "Fuck, Tyler. You're going to make me cum, are you ready?" I asked as I slowly humped into his mouth.

    "Mmm," he moaned like the good little cock sucker he was.

    "That's a good boy," I told him as I felt my balls tighten and I passed the point of being able to stop it.

    He looked up at me at the right time, like he knew I wanted to see his face as it happened. My cock exploded inside of him and waves of pleasure washed over my body. I was actually unloading inside my little brother's mouth and it was fucking awesome.

    "Don't swallow at all," I instructed him and then sat up.

    I grabbed the back of his head and pulled his face to mine and kissed him. I opened his mouth with my lips and stuck my tongue inside, tasting my cum off his tongue. I enjoyed the connection and the way he moaned in my mouth, he did too.

    "So what else did you do with Dad? He use your ass yet," I asked, sounding harsher than I wanted but I was too horny to care.

    "Yeah," he smiled. "Do you want to try?" My brother bit his lip.

    "Fuck yes I do," I told him and kissed him again

    #gay #anal #incest #fyp #fuck
    0 Views 0 Likes 0 Tips 0 Comments 0 Shares
  • It was wild seeing my little brother put his lips on me like that. We had already taken this too far so I just went with it. I put my hand on the back of his head and felt him go up and down on me as I watched, shocked and totally turned on.

    "Look at me," I told him. I wanted to see his eyes. "Fuck, you like that, huh?"

    "Mhmm," he said and moved his mouth up and down my hard shaft.

    "Dad's going to be pissed we have a cocksucker in the family, but don't worry, I'm on your side now," I said.

    He pulled off my dick to talk to me. "No, he won't, I suck him all the time," he said with a smile.

    "What the fuck?" I chuckled, "Dad?"

    He already had my dick back in his mouth so he nodded yes.

    "Shit, with all the dates he goes on, I would have never guessed. Well this is going to make weekends at his house awkward," I laughed and guided him down farther on me.

    My little bro bobbed up and down on my cock, expertly taking care of me, like he knew exactly how I liked it. I wonder if Dad had taught him the way he liked it and he was just doing the same to me. I wonder what other things him and Dad gotten up to with his nineteen year old ass. But that could wait, for right now I needed a concert on the fact that he was making me feel good and I was getting closer with every minute he continued to suck me.

    This wasn't the first blowjob I had from a dude, so it wasn't surprising that he was good at it. I find that guys are better at blowjobs than girls. I slowly moved my hips upward into my brother's mouth. Hearing him gag on my cock only made my dick harder and leak more. Seeing him obsessed over his big brother's cock was amazing, something I never thought I'd enjoy so much.

    "Fuck, Tyler. You're going to make me cum, are you ready?" I asked as I slowly humped into his mouth.

    "Mmm," he moaned like the good little cock sucker he was.

    "That's a good boy," I told him as I felt my balls tighten and I passed the point of being able to stop it.

    He looked up at me at the right time, like he knew I wanted to see his face as it happened. My cock exploded inside of him and waves of pleasure washed over my body. I was actually unloading inside my little brother's mouth and it was fucking awesome.

    "Don't swallow at all," I instructed him and then sat up.

    I grabbed the back of his head and pulled his face to mine and kissed him. I opened his mouth with my lips and stuck my tongue inside, tasting my cum off his tongue. I enjoyed the connection and the way he moaned in my mouth, he did too.

    "So what else did you do with Dad? He use your ass yet," I asked, sounding harsher than I wanted but I was too horny to care.

    "Yeah," he smiled. "Do you want to try?" My brother bit his lip.

    "Fuck yes I do," I told him and kissed him again

    #gay #anal #incest #fyp #fuck
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