Happy Halloween, Boys and Girls!
I would show off my Lady Godiva costume, but I can't prove my copyright without giving the website access to my ID.
Too bad... It is very revealing.

The search continues for another place where I can share my stories and dirty pictures.
I will let you know when I go.

In the meantime, I worked all day yesterday in nothing but a long blonde wig, and tonight I will wear this to the club, to tease and tantalize.
Wish me luck!

#whore #nopicturesplease #workingblind #unverified
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Jessi_B_Wild @Jessi_B_Wild
Erection Demolition Technician My name is Jessi, and I am 21 years old. I was 13 when I figured out what men wanted from me, and I set about making that knowledge work in my favor. Where some girls keep their sexuality at the back of the closet, and bring it out as needed, mine is nailed to the front door for all to see. I am bisexual and in a committed open relationship with an amazing girl, who introduced me to my current life. She taught me how to lift my game, and today I assist lonely men in divesting themselves of tension, sweat, semen and money. I am living a charmed life and I love it. I may reply to a message, if you have something funny or intelligent to say.