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The way realistic banking and investment works is actually fairly simple and accessible. A banker or investor has a supply of fictional money which should be invested to bring returns. The problem is that, for reasons which are too complicated to explain, they cannot invest or lend within their normal areas. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That means we need to find someone such as you who needs or wants money. The banker will then forward the money directly to you for use as necessary, and with the expecation that you will re-pay, buy out, or continue with the investor. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are some associated costs. Besides the obvious application fee, which may be repeated for each fictional investor, there may be transfer fees, demurrage, courier fees, and official emolience requirements. Because the funds you are to receive are fictional, none of these costs can be taken from the proceeds. That means you will need to pay them before you receive your funding. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you are ready, these Google GMail-Qualified bankers are ready to help: * * * * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All transactions are fully backed by the famous Google Three-Way Warranty: 1. No questions, please 2. No money back 3. No exceptions


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