Devin Truss : I don't train specifically for strength anymore, I go to the gym so I can look good outside of it. Over the last 2 months I've focused on using weight I can 100% control with a key focus on my mind muscle connection. I've been dealing with on and off injuries from my back, rotator cuff and now a possible hernia. My injuries are results of not properly warming up, using weight that I couldn't control with proper form and not having a balanced body. I knew what needed to be done but I neglected it, not anymore. I strongly suggest you start focusing on the smaller muscles the majority of people fail to train, one day their lack of attention will result in an injury. Start strengthening your rotator cuffs, core, glutes, lower back, abductors & adductors etc. Do tons of stretching and foam rolling, sticky fibers aren't good for growth or mobility. The more balanced your body is the healthier you'll be in the long run. I've been training for 4 years and I have a list of shit bothering me on a daily basis because of bad practices, drop the ego and train smart.
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